Ben Roswell

I love your games because I feel so starved for games that are about big things but are about narrative power not literal power (how you affect the story vs. how you affect the world)

An Customer

Interstitial is an absolute blast to play. The core "Link" mechanic keeps the narrative dynamic and fluid, and the playbooks are a ton of fun to play.

Interstitial manages to capture the tone, feel, and deep earnestness of the KH franchise, and creates a game that gives you the utmost permission to let your imagination (and heart) go wild. It's easy to pick up and play and nearly impossible to put down and stop thinking about. 

You should buy Interstitial. 

In a world where it seems like we're drowning in Powered by the Apocalypse games, Interstitial comes along and reminds me that it's not drowning, so much as swimming; and the water's just fine! If you're a fan of Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Bros, or fan fiction of ANY kind, this will have you and your group telling the most buck wild tales of crossover and self-indulgence. My games are usually full of laughter, but the cackling was especially strong with Interstitial.

The Link system is really crucial here. It carries even more mechanic and narrative weight than the relationship mechanics of other PBTA games, took us a little while to get used to that. Once we were used to creating, locking and spending links freely, the game and its themes made much more sense and got a whole lot more fun. Found a few spots where the rules only imply things you might not know if you're not well versed in PBTA, so I don't recommend it as your foray into the system. However, if you've got people in your group who know the system well enough, you can probably get by just fine.

Riley made a hell of a game, definitely worth checking out, and playing over, and over again.